Ten Tools for Making Bad Days Better
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I am just on the other side of a bad flare that lasted about two weeks. It’s been pretty crappy, to be honest. I was pretty limited in what I could do, I was sleeping more than usual but still felt exhausted, and my pain levels were through the roof. This happens every once in a while. Sometimes there’s an obvious reason, sometimes not. This time I’m not quite sure about the cause.
There was some emotionally stressful stuff going on in my personal life, and I recently dove back into blogging, so I was expending extra energy on all that. Maybe that did it, but maybe my body is just being a jerk. Anyway, here I am, trying to make the best of it. I have certain things I always turn to when I'm feeling bad or having a hard time. Everyone has bad days, and it's always nice to find new ideas to help get through. I thought it might be helpful to list my top ten things I turn to when I need to make bad days better.
Here they are:
1. Stylus Pens for Touch Screens
A lot of my time is spent on electronics. It helps keep me connected to the world and allows me to get things done from the comfort of my chair. I use a tablet most of the time. After a while of using a touchscreen, I noticed that my fingertips would get sore. I have psoriatic arthritis, and one of the symptoms is achiness in the fingertip joints so that pain makes sense. To help with it, I usually use a stylus pen, like this one. It really saves my fingers. When I don’t use one, I can really feel it. These guys are brightly colored, and just the right size. They're pretty cheap, so I usually buy a multipack. When the soft tip wears out, I switch to a new one. They really help my hands. Many people spend a lot of time on touchscreens, so I think lots of folks could benefit from using a stylus.
Some days all the mobility aids in the world don’t help with pain and swelling. I love my everyday compression gloves from IMAK. They have open fingertips, making it easier to do things while wearing them. I call them my hobo gloves. They provide gentle compression, so I can wear them anytime, even when I sleep. They’re also a very nice thickness, so they keep my joints nice and toasty warm. I’m actually wearing them right now as I type
this. You can check them out here.
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Compression gloves and a stylus pen make using tech so much easier |
3. Topical Pain Relief
Sometimes my pain is pretty specific and I like to treat it with topical products. Some aches and pains can be helped with topical creams. I’ve tried quite a few, and there are two I’ve gone back to over and over. Biofreeze is a well-known product that uses menthol and other natural oils to help reduce pain and inflammation. I like the rollerball gel applicator so that I don’t get it on my fingers unless I want it there. I do not want to accidentally get Biofreese near my eyes. Biofreeze does have a strong menthol smell. It doesn’t usually bother me, but if I’m looking for some relief without the smell, I like to use Penetrex. This comes in a jar, and is really effective., with practically no smell. Both of these are non-greasy and do a good job of temporary pain relief without having to take a pill. For some muscle tightness, this is all I need to get some relief.
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Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels |
4. Lumbar Back Brace
I use a back brace when I know I'm going to be up and doing things for more than 15 minutes or so. The brace I wear gives me more stamina than I would have without it. There are many, many different back braces. The one I have (see it here) is soft and just stretchy enough, and made of neoprene. It has a pocket for an ice pack or more rigid bracing. There is some argument on whether a brace helps or can weaken back and postural muscles. I think using one, like many health decisions, is a personal one to make in consultation with your doctor. I've looked at the pros and cons, and for me, wearing a brace allows me to do things for a longer time than I would without it. It helps me get things done with less pain.
5. Essential Oils
Essential oils are good for so many things, but do be careful about their quality and how you use them. I never ingest essential oils. If you choose to, make sure they are edible or food-grade oils. If you put them on your skin, be sure to dilute them in a carrier oil. Straight essential oils can burn or irritate your skin, which would make for a bad day, which is exactly what we're trying to avoid here. Make sure what you are putting in your body is safe. I always get steam-distilled oils, so there are no solvents involved in their extraction. I like to use them when I have a migraine, especially if I'm nauseous. Peppermint oil is my friend when I have a migraine. Its cooling scent helps to settle nausea, and it allows tight muscles to relax. After diluting it with a carrier oil, I either inhale it or apply it to my neck and temples.
I also really like lavender oil for relaxation. I sometimes use it in a carrier oil on my skin, but I mostly just like to diffuse it and breathe it in. It is so relaxing.
I like citrus oils for energizing and cleaning. I add lemon oil or orange oil to my cleaning spray for the kitchen to keep things fresh. I will sometimes add orange oil to a nice moisturizing carrier oil as a luxurious little treat for me and my skin. Because of my allergies, I don't do many fragranced products, but I can control the intensity and ingredients with essential oils, so I'm less likely to have a reaction.
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Photo by Elina Fairytale from Pexels |
6. Foot and Leg Massager
This one is kind of specific, but it's something that's not just for folks with lymphedema. Anyone who is on their feet a lot could get some relief from sore feet and legs with this tool. I have lymphedema, which means my legs swell. These pneumatic massage pumps help to work the fluid out of my legs. They use air chambers that fill rhythmically to massage my legs and feet. Let me tell you, it feels so good when I have these on! They cover my feet, lower legs, and part of my thighs. It comes with a little duffel bag that holds all the parts and keeps things tidy when it's not in use. I've seen some people use it after exercise, or after being on their feet all day at their job, like nurses and retail workers. There are many different models, one to fit just about every need.
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This is what it feels like Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels |
7. Mindless Busywork
When I don't feel well, my brain is not always my friend. I feel too icky to actually do anything, but my brain gets bored and I get cranky. I like to have something I can do that's not too taxing but engages my brain enough to not be bored.
Coloring is a great activity, and it can be as mindless or mindful as you want to make it. There are a million different adult coloring books out there. I have some favorites, like my mandala book and positive sayings. This one is specifically for mindfulness.
I also have found I like to draw, I remember as a kid, we would draw to keep ourselves entertained, either between classes at school, or waiting for dinner, or whatnot. We even would doodle all over notes to each other, trying to see who could come up with the funniest drawings. I was mediocre at best, but I had a lot of fun with doodling. I've come back to it over the last year, and I've had a lot of fun with it. I stick to mostly cute little critters, but I've practiced my shading and sketching skills by following YouTube videos. There are a lot of talented artists out there who are sharing their skills and gifts with the world, and I am grateful for it. I prefer sketchbooks on the smaller side like this one. It's more manageable when I'm not sitting at a desk or table. I bought some drawing supplies, but I didn't spend a lot on them. I actually got a very nice set at one of the local discount stores for five dollars, which was a real steal. This set on Amazon is comparable and also comes with a nice carrying case. You can be frugal about it or splurge. There are art supplies out there for every price point.
Some of my little doodles |
8. Good Books
I often find comfort in stories. I've always been an avid reader, one of those kids with a flashlight reading well after bedtime. Reading is an escape I really rely on when I'm not feeling well. When I'm having a bad day, reading a good book can transport me to another world, and help me leave some of my troubles behind. . I love a good cozy mystery or paranormal adventure or romance. The nice part about having an Amazon Prime membership gives me access to Prime Reading, where I can try out new genres or authors for free. Kindle Unlimited is another available service but is a separate subscription.
I'm also thankful for my local library system. They provide online access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and videos through apps like Overdrive, Libby, and Hoopla.
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Sometimes I combine activities. This is a doodle I made of me reading. |
9. Mind Candy
This past year and a half has really showcased how important "mind candy" really is. Everyone needs some time to really just allow their brains to take a little vacation when things get too stressful or intense. I know there has been lots of talk about various
Netflix series, like Tiger King and Bridgerton. I think The Great British Bakeoff is my favorite comfort watch. It's so calm and friendly. I especially love the older series, with Mary Berry, when Sue and Mel hosted. It's just a joy to watch. I also love watching some of the animated shows my kiddo loves. We've watched all of "Avatar: The Last Airbender", and "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" series. Amazon Prime Video offers unlimited instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows and includes that two-day free shipping everyone loves. I loved the Good Omens miniseries on Prime. What are some of your comfort shows?
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Photo by Lisa from Pexels |
10. Heating Pad
Now, this guy is my very favorite, cannot live without, use every day item. It’s a large microwavable heating pad. It’s a heavy canvas pouch filled with dried corn that holds heat well. I literally use it all day, every day. Three minutes in the microwave gets it to the perfect temperature for me. You don’t add any water to it, but it gives off a moist heat from moisture it absorbs from the air. It stays hot for a few hours after heating as well.
They last a really long time. I have worn out two of them, and I’m on my third now. The stitching of the channels wears out first, but it’s still usable. I like having the channels to hold the filling in place, so I replace mine when those channels come undone.
So that's my top ten tools for making bad days better. What do you think? What kinds of things help you get through bad days? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments.

I read and clicked most links, a few are sold out 🤒 A great post helpful for several conditionsx thank you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking out the links!
DeleteGreat post! I too love to read to escape the real world and when I'm too tired to read, Netflix is my friend. Currently watching the very funny 'Working Moms'. It also lets me have a good chuckle! For me the most important thing to do on a bad day is to remind myself that it WILL get better again. Sometimes not right away but it always does eventually and keeping that in focus really helps me.
ReplyDeleteI will have to check out “Working Moms”. I heard it was very funny. You make a really good point. Sometimes the thing that gets us through a bad day is knowing that there’s always a new day coming. Focusing on that helps me as well.
DeleteGreat list of tools for times of flare. I'm intrigued especially by the compression gloves you wear. I'm wondering if something like that would help my hands and arm (to elbow) that is is constant pain.
ReplyDeleteThose compression gloves help my hand pain out quite a lot. I’m actually having a bit of a pain flare today, affecting most of my left arm, and have been wearing them most of the day. It would be nice to have an elbow or arm sleeve as well. I’ll have to keep my eyes open for something like that. I hope you find something that helps your pain as well.
DeleteGreat tips! I have a massive collection of topical pain creams and ointments and often wish I could just sit in a tub of it. LOL. I rely heavily on books as a distraction and try not to get sucked into tv for long periods of time.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I'm in a bad flare right now which really limits what I can do. It's amazing that you can get all the sleep in the world and still wake up tired and in pain. After 20 years of being sick, it still blows my mind! I hope the flare passes for you soon.
This post is awesome... so many useful resources that I've never heard of before, but definitely want to try! My mum actually just introduced me to compression gloves a couple days back, which she uses because she is learning the ukulele and spends hours on it haha.
ReplyDeleteInterested in the BioFreeze, back brace (I've got terrible posture and pains!) and leg massager, too!
Thanks for compiling this... saves many of us tons of time!
WOW, what an extensive list of products and useful information you put together. Thanks so much