Taking care of you this Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! 

I know this holiday has its share of lovers and haters, but I think we all could benefit from a little love. At my house, we don’t do presents or flowers for the big V-day. My hubby always says we should be showing each other love every day, and a one-day holiday with overpriced roses won’t replace that. He’s right too. If we’re not showing the love every day, what good does one day do?

Valentine’s Day can be tough for those of us in difficult relationships, or folks just out of a relationship. If that’s the case, we can change the way we look at this holiday. After all, who is the most important person for us to love? Ourselves, of course! It’s also sometimes the hardest person for us to love. We set unreasonable expectations for ourselves, and I’ve said things to myself that I would never say out loud to another human because they’re so hurtful. Why do we do that to ourselves? Self-love is real and it’s important. So make a promise to yourself today. Take the time to be kind to yourself. Do something you enjoy, just for you. Take a walk, take a bubble bath. Enjoy a cup of that tea you’ve been saving. Love yourself. 

This graphic from Stacie Swift is a great example of things we can do for self-care and love. They don’t have to be complicated or expensive or anything like that. Sometimes I like to just go out on my front porch and listen to the birds and watch my trees. Just shutting the door to whatever is going on inside the house is sometimes enough to take some weight off my shoulders. After a few minutes outside, I can return refreshed and ready to continue the day. For me, green, quiet spaces are the perfect way to relax and regroup.

So, Happy Valentine’s Day! Or, Happy Love Yourself Day! What will you do for yourself today?


  1. Lovely post and very true. Care of self is vital.

  2. Great post! Definitely true about looking after yourself - you can't pour from an empty cup :)


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